Spring is finally here and the dive club had a busy weekend with a variety of dive activities planned. Saturday morning saw us dive over at Whitireia Park with some new divers experiencing their first fun dive after completing their Open Water Course. The sun was shining as we entered in at the point and […]
Clean Up Event
Adopting a Dive Site
Why adopt a dive site at all? This is Project AWARE’s latest campaign to tackle marine debris and track the amount of debris that enters a dive site over time. We have committed to dive at our adopted dive site every month for a year and submit data on the rubbish collected. We have selected […]
Oriental Bay Beach & Underwater Clean Up
Every year we team up with Adventure Wellington to tackle the rubbish that collects at Oriental Bay, underwater and along the breakwaters. A team of 11 volunteers turned up to help including our Mayor, Celia Wade-Brown, who donned her snorkeling gear and jumped into help. The divers headed underwater […]
Matiu-Somes Island 2016
The dive club braved some misty conditions as they waited for the ferry across to Matiu-Somes Island for the first trip of 2016. Our annual underwater clean up between the wharves not only helps DoC and the environment but gives our divers a great excuse to explore a new dive site. […]
Keep New Zealand Beautiful Week
Seaview Marina 12/9/15 The objective of the day was to collect rubbish out of Seaview Marina for Keep NZ Beautiful Week and collect data to share with Project Aware. The day started with four seasons in one day. The crew arrived at Seaview Marina at 10am being welcome by rain hail and gusty winds. (Typical […]
Evans Bay Beach & Underwater Clean Up
Saturday 11th July 2015 Sea Shepard Wellington organises monthly clean ups of the beach at Evans Bay in Wellington and Dive & Ski HQ Petone like to get involved in them as often as possible. Although only a few divers had put their hands up to get involved in the event there were many people helping to […]
Matiu – Somes Island 2015
Our first club event of 2015 was held on Matiu – Somes Island right here in Wellington Harbour. Each year we head over to the island loaded with dive gear and food to complete a beach and underwater clean up with DoC. This year we started with a beach clean up along the north eastern […]
Evans Bay Beach & Clean Up
The guys from Sea Shepherd joined our Petone Wharf Clean Up event last September and since then we have been working towards combining for another big clean up event in the Wellington area. Unfortunately the weather wasn’t looking too conducive for diving so we cancelled the club dive. However on arrival at the beach Rachel […]
Oriental Bay Beach & Underwater Clean Up
We were invited to join Adventure Wellington and help them run this annual event. When we arrived and had a recce around the site the beach and shallows along the breakwater looked reasonably rubbish free but then we got started… As the divers, kayakers and shore crew gathered along the waterfront we split into groups […]