Dive Club Wellington Updates
Dives have been a bit quiet with the spring weather unable to decide which way for the winds to blow. But we have been busy with Enriched Air Diver Training, the Equipment Techniques Specialty, dive refreshers and our latest breath hold training sessions.
We are ready to hit the water this summer – are you?
It is time to dust off your gear, try it on!, check your cylinders and refresh your diving skills to make sure that you are ready for the new season.
Bring your gear in early for servicing to avoid delays in summer.
With 5 dives a week, we are Wellington’s most active dive club with 5 dives on Thursday evenings and weekends. Please book a day or two prior to the dives. Join Dive Club Wellington it’s free.
BIG DIVE DAY – 12th November 2023
Celebrating 15 years of the Taputeranga Marine Reserve with a dive in Princess Bay from 12:30pm followed by a BBQ and raffle draw. Raffle tickets can be bought in store and all divers are eligible for the draw. For more information
Advanced Open Water Diver Course

Becoming a PADI Advanced Open Water Diver is a great way to explore different dive interests, expand your skills and knowledge of diving by working with your instructor and dive buddies to plan your dives and to gain confidence with buoyancy control, navigation and diving at depth.
We also offer a range of PADI Specialty Diver courses if you prefer to focus on a single aspect of diving.
Club Dive Trips for 2024

We have been busy coming up with ideas for trips around New Zealand and overseas. We have listened to your ideas and have a trip planned for the Marlborough Sounds over Wellington Anniversary Weekend, Kaikoura late February and a Wrecks & Reefs trip up in Pahia in March – woohoo!
We are finalising details so keep an eye out on Facebook, our website and future newsletters for the latest updates – don’t miss out!

Breathhold Training
Paddy & the boys had fun introducing some new divers to freediving and spearfishing. In the class they practiced breath holding techniques, looked at dive equipment and discussed safe diving practices.
The following night was spent in the pool with static and dynamic breath holding exercises, conducting proper vertical diving techniques and rescue skills.
Following on from this event Cam will be running a dive day and BBQ and Max is looking at running a more advanced breath hold training exercise session. Let us know if you are keen on these sessions.
Keep an eye out on Facebook and our newsletter for details about our first ever BLACK FRIDAY SALE!