Dive HQ’s Monthly Review – June

A collage of diver photos showing what we got up to at Dive HQ Wellington in May

Dive Club Wellington Updates

May was a busy month with a number of courses running including Open Water & Advanced Open Water Diver courses, Sidemount Diver training with Paddy and Claire was in Christchurch doing some instructor lever training.

Our instructor Max has an incredible opportunity with Marine Conservation Philippines, conducting research surveys in tropical waters. He is hosting a farewell Cub Dive & BBQ this Saturday – so please join in and wish him well. 

With 5 dives a week, we are Wellington’s most active dive club. With 5 dives on Thursday evenings and weekends. Please book a day or two prior to the dives. Visit Dive Club Wellington for more information.

PADI Rescue Diver Course

We know Wellington diving can be complex with challenging conditions so we strongly recommend all our divers complete the PADI Rescue Diver Course.

By understanding the most common causes of diving incidents you are more likely to a) avoid them or b) be better prepared to handle them.You will learn how to assist tired & panicked divers at the surface, how to recognise and deal with problems underwater, how to search for a missing diver and, in the worst case scenario, what to do with an unresponsive diver.

Pool – 10th & 12th June, Sea Scenarios – Sunday 16th June – $500
We also offer a Rescue Refresher session for all certified rescue divers to review their skills on Wednesday 12th June 2024 – $70.

Club Trips 2024 & 2025

With winter officially starting tomorrow, on the 1st of June it is a great time to think about a tropical diving holiday. We have one spot opened up for Beqa Lagoon this August & Paddy will be returning to Beqa Lagoon, Fiji  in September 2025. Claire is heading back to Gizo in the Solomon Islands in August 2025 – renowned for great reefs and WWII wrecks.
For more Club Trips!

The shop will be closed on Tuesdays over the winter months so please email, contact us over Facebook or Google or leave us a message on 045685028 and we will do our best to help you out later in the week.

Claire, Paddy & Cam

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